Monday, July 21, 2008

Twins Mechanism

Posted by dinesh prabhu at 8:26 AM
Life is the result of the union of two cells-male and female.In a normal case when a single ovum is fertilized by sperm cell of the male,it results in the birth of a single offspring.However,in some eases,this normal function is distributed and there are cases of multiple births.The birth two or more offsprings at a time.The birth of distinct types of twins namely identical twins and fraternal twins.

Identical Twins

In the process of the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm,the ovum is made to spilt into two parts.In a normal process these parts are again united.Sometimes,however it so happens that these two spilt parts fail to unite together.The results in that each part is developed into a complete individual in the form of the pair of the identical twins.

The twins produced,are thus termed identical on account of the identical nature of the genetic material.They are found to process almost the same somatic structure and characterstics and are definitely of the same sex.

Fraternal Twins

Normally in each menstrual cycle the female ovaries produce a single ovum that can be fertilized by a spam cell.In an exceptional case,two ova may be produced simultaneously and be fertilized at the same time by two different sperms.It may then result in the conception of two individuals who may be grown simultanesouly in the womb of the mother.These individuals are known as ferternal twins.

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