Sunday, July 20, 2008

Determination of Sex

Posted by dinesh prabhu at 1:19 AM
The First twenty-two pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes.These chromosomes determine the development of most of our body structures and characteristics.The remaining twenty-third pair consists of the sex chromosomes.These sex chromosomes decide the individuals sex and other sex-linked characteristics.

They are two different types of sex chromosomes X Chromosome (usually this is big size) and Y chromosome(smaller than X).In the male child one member of the sex chromosome is X chromosome (contributed by mother).In the female child both of these sex chromosomes,one from each parent,are X chromosomes.

All Eggs have X chromosomes,but sperm cells may contain either type,Therefore,the mother's role in the determination of sex is quite natural.At this time of conception she can contribute only one type of sex chromosome (i.e) X chromosome.Much depends upon the possibility of the type of sex chromosomes X (or) Y that may be transmitted by the sperm cell of the father.

If X chromosome is transmitted the child will be female and if Y chromosome is transmitted it will result in a male child.In this way,it is not the mother but the father who is biologically more countable for determination of the sex of the child.

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