Saturday, August 16, 2008


Posted by dinesh prabhu at 10:01 AM
Human senses are in fact the windows to the world - internal as well as external.These are the gateways of all information that our brain receives by interacting with the stimuli present inside and outside of our body. Our great ancient thinkers held that there were five human senses - Vision , Hearing , Taste , and Touch corresponding to the sense organs , Eyes , Ears , Nose , Tongue , and Skin of our body. During the subsequent ages there has been an addition of some more senses to this list.

These senses may be grouped into five categories as under:

Visual Senses - Sense of vision.
Auditory Senses - Sense of hearing.

Chemical Senses - Sense of small ans sense of taste.

Skin Senses - Sense of pressure , sense of temperature and pain.

Body Senses - Kinesthetic sense and Vestibular sense.

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